Even so-called 'hot' areas of the world like Florida can be hit with sudden cold temperatures which result in frost and black ice on highways. Wherever you live or travel, you should be aware of how to cope with snow and icy driving conditions. The 10 tips in this article will help.
Before setting out on your cooling room Manufacturers trip, scrape all ice and frost off windows and brush snow away from the hood, roof, headlights, and taillights. Idling your car for about 5 minutes with front and rear-window defrosters engaged will make this job easier. Pay special attention to headlights and signal lights.
You should have good all-season or winter tires. If they don't have sufficient tread, replace them. Check the air pressure of all tires, including your spare. You may need to consult your driver's manual. In many cars, recommended tire inflation pressure is printed on the driver's-side door post. Properly-inflated tires in good condition will give you better control and traction on the road.
A full or nearly-full gas tank will make your vehicle heavier. This promotes better handling on ice and snow. Frequent refueling stops may seem like a nuisance, but they will allow you to get out of the car and stretch - and help to prevent road-hypnosis and fatigue.
It is normally recommended that you stay 2 seconds behind the vehicle in front of you in good weather conditions on dry roads. If you are driving through slush, snow, or ice, you should at least quadruple the safety margin. A safer distance would be 10 seconds. Take note of a tree, fencepost, or other prominent item right beside the vehicle in front of you. Then begin to count slowly: 1001 - 1002 - 1003 - and so on - up to 1010. If you pass the reference item before you reach 1010, you are driving too fast. Gently ease off the accelerator until you are 10 seconds away.
Never make sudden lane changes - and always brake gently. A car can become an out-of-control missile if you ignore this rule. Turn your steering wheel slowly and pump brakes lightly. ABS brakes will automatically do the pumping for you if you apply soft, continuous pressure. If you decide to pass another vehicle, be sure that you have more room than usual, then edge out into the passing lane and gradually back into yours when safe to do so.